Untitled by Todd Davis


Untitled by Todd Davis, 2024, crayon and wood on 18”x24” paper

What makes the holidays special is the time we spend together! Emerging V+V artist, Todd Davis, created this holiday inspired piece by first attaching wooden ornaments to his large paper, then adding layers of directional crayon strokes. Side by side, two delightful characters interact with the ornaments in his wonderfully soft landscape.

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Untitled by Todd Davis, 2024, crayon and wood on 18”x24” paper

What makes the holidays special is the time we spend together! Emerging V+V artist, Todd Davis, created this holiday inspired piece by first attaching wooden ornaments to his large paper, then adding layers of directional crayon strokes. Side by side, two delightful characters interact with the ornaments in his wonderfully soft landscape.

Untitled by Todd Davis, 2024, crayon and wood on 18”x24” paper

What makes the holidays special is the time we spend together! Emerging V+V artist, Todd Davis, created this holiday inspired piece by first attaching wooden ornaments to his large paper, then adding layers of directional crayon strokes. Side by side, two delightful characters interact with the ornaments in his wonderfully soft landscape.