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Badge of Pride with Becky Mason + Brian Dooley

Make your own button!

Badge of Pride: Button Workshop: A Button-Making Workshop Inspired by the Ohio Lesbian Archive

In this hands-on workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn about political buttons in the present and the past with examples from Ohio Lesbian Archive. Buttons are intersectional identity signifiers for anyone with something to say. Buttons represent a variety of issues, be it feminism, disability advocacy, or racial justice. As queer people fought battles across the decades we have created and earned these badges of pride, resistance, and visibility.

During the workshop, participants will learn about the significance of historic buttons and their role in community building, activism, and self-expression within the queer community. Drawing inspiration from the archive's collection, attendees will then have the chance to create their own buttons, infusing them with personal stories, symbols, and messages that reflect their own identities and experiences. Through this creative process, participants will gain a deeper understanding of LGBTQ+ history and their own empowerment. Badge of Pride: Button Workshop celebrates the legacy of LGBTQ+ activism and resilience while inviting participants to add their own voices to the ongoing narrative of queer pride and visibility.

April 11

Tie-Dye Pride Banner with Ron Brookbank + Milo Gleich

May 30

Hoop, There it is! Screen Printing with Look What I Drew Studio + JR Bradshaw