“To me, ordinary people were boring. I couldn’t understand them and they didn’t understand me; I was driven into a world of daydreams because I had no way to communicate the only thoughts I could have. I never really liked the way people looked and how it felt to touch them, and that had a lot to do with it. They only looked like people; objects just looked and felt better to me. I did like my brothers and sisters and friends of the family. But still, to me people were boring. It seemed there was nothing I could think – let alone say – that anyone wanted to hear. I pretty much had to be by myself to do things I wanted to do.”
Barb Moran is a veteran artist with Visionaries + Voices. Now residing in Topeka, Kansas, Moran participates in V+V by mailing her drawings, the packages becoming part of her process. Moran creates surrealist illustrations featuring her object characters in everyday situations. She frequently exhibits drawings and fiber art at V+V. In 2009 Moran won an Honorable Mention in Bryn Mawr ‘s annual Art Ability juried show. Moran is in the process of finding a publisher for her autobiography, Hello Stranger, The Barb Moran Story.