Visualize the concept of your incredible tale, from beginning through the middle to the end. You decide what, when, how, and why! Using post-it notes because of their ability to be rearranged, create storyboards for puppet shows, plays, cinema, and beyond!
Courtney Combs-Mock is a multimodal artist from Cincinnati; she is a painter, playwright, musician, graphic designer, teacher, and marketing specialist at Visionaries + Voices. With her background in film production and children's theater, Courtney has developed many storyboards for different forms of production.
Linda Kunick is an artist, writer, an advocate, and an activist. Linda has 3 volumes of short stories published with her artwork. Linda will be giving an artist talk about her storyboard inspired art piece. She works primarily on paper, creating bright, colorful images with crayon and colored pencil. Butterflies are Kunick’s personal motif, symbolizing change, growth, and freedom.